Thursday, August 21, 2008

Early Morning Reading - 08/21/08

An interesting article on how "A Few Speculators Dominate Vast Oil Market".

Should we rescue Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

What is a GSE anyway?



  1. Hi Charles

    I've been coming to your great site for some time now and would just like to acknowledge the creative and thoughtful effort you make here.

    I've been trading the es for four months now with random result at this point but sites such as yours have probably saved me some points, not to mention help my learning curve.

    Keep Up the Great Work

  2. Hi Tom:

    Thanks for the positive comments.

    Putting my thoughts into a visual format such as a blog has helped me also. The process of marking charts and writting my thoughts throughout the day helps me to visualize my strengths and weaknesses.

