Monday, November 9, 2009

ES Emini Futures Trading Morning Session Review 11/09/09

The only analysis there is today is that equities is going up as the dollar goes down. Not sure about the rationale of a recovery without improving employment. However, on a day like today, don't try to stand in the way of a freight train.



  1. Hi Awais,

    Well, I've seen this day before. I learned the hard way that it is foolish to fade this type of market.

    My grandfather worked for the Southern Pacific Railroad many moons ago. Sometimes, when my grandmother wasn't looking, he would let me stand with him about 10 ft from the tracks as a fast moving freight train would passby. One of his jobs was to examine the axles of the train. If he saw an axle overheating, he would radio the engineer, and let him know about it.

    I learned that neither he or I could stop the train. That was the decision of the engineer. We simply observed, and collected information. Trying to stop the train without the controls is fatal. Without the controls, we simply have to accept that a train will go in a specific direction at a certain speed. Same with the market.

    Here is another lesson that I learned from my dad on that same train track. Call it Dad's Lesson

