Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sleep - Your Brain - Meditation

Following are a collection of articles and videos that may give you an insight into how your brain and mind really work, how to improve learning a new skill, how to reduce fear / anxiety and increase compassion and confidence, and how to improve your general health - which may have more to do with your mental state than you realize.

In the article " Sleep, Tetris, Memory and the Brain ", Dr. Shannon Mofett discusses research by Dr. Robert Stickgold which shows how sleeping or taking a nap just after learning a new skill improves your ability to remember and perform that skill in the future.

Here is a collection of short videos called " Why Sleep Matters " by Harvard researchers on the effects of sleep on memory and health.

In the article " Exercise and Mediterranean-type Diet Combined Appear to be Associated with Lower Risk for Alzheimer's Diseae ", Dr. Nikos Scarmeas discusses how the combined life-style of regular exercise and a Mediterranean Diet can reduce your chance of developing Alzheimer's Diseae by 60%. In another report " Mediterranean Diet May Help Keep You Smarter ", it is suggested that a Mediterranean Diet may protect aging brains from damage linked to cognitive problems.

Dr. John Medina in this YouTube video discusses his Brain Rules, which include Exercise, How the brain evolved, How every brain is wired differently, Our Attention, Short-term and Long-term memory, Sleep, Stress, Vision and how Male and Female brains are different.

A Youtube video called " Change Your Mind, Change Your Brain: The Inner Conditions for Authentic Happiness " by Matthieu Ricard. An interesting presentation that shows how meditation can phycially change your brain to improve attention span, reduce anxiety ' fear, increase compassion and confindence and improve your health and keep you young. Research data is discussed in the last half of the video.



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