Sunday, September 14, 2008

Best Way to Learn and Remember High Probability Patterns

What is the best way to learn and remember high probability trading patterns? Mark up a chart and stare at it. Why?

According to research summarized in the book "Brain Rules" by John Medina, "... the more visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized - and recalled."

"Tests performed years ago showed that people could remember more than 2,500 pictures with at least 90 percent accuracy several days post-exposure, even though subjects saw each picture for about 10 seconds. Accuracy rates a year later still hovered around 63 percent. In one paper - adorably titled " Remember Dick and Jane?" - picture recognition information was reliably retrieved several decades later."

"If information is presented orally, people remember about 10 percent, tested 72 hours after exposure. That figure goes up to 65 percent if you add a picture."


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